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avp britain

Job Description

We are looking for volunteer trustees to join the board of Alternatives to Violence Project Britain charity. This is a volunteer role with expenses paid.

Introduction to Alternatives to Violence Project Britain

The Alternatives to Violence Project is a network of skilled volunteers who run workshops for anyone who wants to find ways of resolving conflict without resorting to violence. We work in the community and in prisons.

What difference will you make?

The Alternatives to Violence Project (AVP) serves people who want to handle conflict well without using or suffering violence, whether physical or psychological. Our trained volunteer facilitators deliver intensive, low-cost, conflict-resolution skills workshops in the community, in prisons and in other settings. We reach diverse communities, attracting people from across a wide spectrum of ages, ethnic backgrounds, and socio-economic backgrounds.

We are looking for new trustees to join our Board.

We are looking for candidates with the ability to think creatively and strategically, and exercise good, independent judgement in helping us achieve our ambitions. Whilst you do not need to have prior non-executive experience, we are looking for individuals with a good grasp of governance and strategic leadership.

Candidates should:

- Understand and accept the legal duties, responsibilities and liabilities of being a trustee

- Be committed to AVP, its purpose and its values as set out in the constitution, strategic aims and values statement

- Be willing to devote the necessary time and effort to the role of Trustee

- Possess good judgement and independence of mind

- Have good strategic vision

- Be willing to work collectively and effectively as part of a group

Specifically, we are looking for one or more of the following areas of experience and expertise in our new trustees: Safeguarding,  Fundraising.

Although you are under no obligation to do so, ideally you would volunteer within this role for a period of a three year term. This will help you get the most out of the experience and provide some consistency for the charity.

Main duties and requirements of the Trustee role

1. Act with integrity and avoid personal conflicts of interest

2. Act jointly with other Trustees

3. Agree to undertake limited projects from time to time dependant on your own specialism

4. Provide guidance on issues in which you have particular expertise

5. Accept joint responsibility for all decisions made by Trustees

6. Consider getting external professional advice on all matters where there may be material risk to the charity, or where the Trustees may be in breach of their duties

7. Act reasonably and honestly, ensuring that discussions and debates are minuted to demonstrate the reasonableness of decisions made

8. Have the best interests of the charity and its beneficiaries in mind at all times

9. Attend all meetings and communicate with the Chair about necessary absences

10. Seek to inform yourself about all aspects of AVP’s work

Measures of success

1. A stable and well functioning Board of Trustees

2. Increase in workshops and Distance Learning opportunities

3. Increased funds and volunteer base


Where you will be working

Mainly at home, or remote opportunity.

All our board meetings are currently held online (4-5 meetings a year). We can occasionally gather for an annual event.


Mostly outside office hours

Estimate of time needed:

1-3 hours / week


 Our trustees’ roles have initial term of three years, with the possibility of renewal for further 3 years.


How to apply

To apply for the position of Trustee please send your CV and a covering letter (not more than 2 pages each) explaining why you feel you would be a good fit for AVP and what expertise you could bring to the Board of Trustees.

If you are a volunteer with AVP or any other organisation please also explain how long you have been a volunteer and your duties.  All applications will be shortlisted and then if successful invited to an interview via online video call.  We will endeavour to reply to all applicants in a reasonable amount of time (1 week is our target).

The client requests no contact from agencies or media sales.