The Access Foundation

Job Description

It's an exciting time to join The Access Foundation, with opportunities to develop your skills & help shape our future. If you're committed, enthusiastic & known to make a difference, please apply. We welcome individuals who have no trustee experience. 

What is the Access Foundation all about?

The Access Foundation was set up in 2021, following the success and growth of The Access Group. While The Access Foundation is affiliated with the Access Group in terms of its identity, the Foundation is a separate organisation, governed by an independent board of trustees and with its own objectives. 

The Access Foundation is focused on awarding grants to charities which make a valuable and measurable positive impact.  The grant giving objectives of the Foundation fall into three categories: 

  1. to bridge the digital divide by making computing facilities, support and learning available to disadvantaged and vulnerable people

  1. to advance the charitable causes of the registered charities chosen as the "Access Group Company Charities of the Year"

  1. to help charities nominated by employees of the Access group with which they have strong emotional connections with.  

The Foundation funds charitable projects and activities which make a real difference to people’s lives in all the countries where the Access Group operates, and we aim to award grants to a total value of at least £10 million over the next 5 years.

This is an exciting time to join The Foundation, with opportunities to develop your skills and help shape our future. If you are committed, enthusiastic and known to make a difference, please apply. We welcome applications from individuals who have no experience of being a trustee. We will provide support.  

The Role of Trustee at The Access Foundation 

The trustees of the Access Foundation are responsible under the charity’s governing document for controlling the administration and management of the charity, known collectively as the Board of Trustees.  The Board is responsible for the direction of The Foundation and ensures it is solvent, well run and delivers on our charitable objectives.  

As a trustee to the Foundation, you’ll attend: 

  • Two regular online weekly meetings to review grant applications and to ensure the operational management of the Foundation, totalling about 2.5 hours 

  • An all-day team meeting in person (every 2 months, usually in London) to progress the above, as well as progressing strategy 

  • Completing actions as agreed in the meetings above. 

The total time commitment is expected to be at least 6 hours per week. 

Desirable Qualities 

As a trustee, you will show: 

  • Your commitment to the organisation and willingness to devote the necessary time and effort. 

  • You’re an advocate of equal opportunity, and you actively promote diversity. 

  • Good and independent judgement and you’re willing to speak your mind.

  • Strategic vision and your ability to think creatively and challenge current thinking and operating, in a constructive manner. 

  • You work effectively as a member of a team. 

  • Your ability to evaluate and interpret management information and other data. 

  • You’re well versed in Microsoft Teams, Word, Excel and the Office365 environment 

  • You can deliver “hands on” services to the organisation

Skills and Experience Required 

As a trustee, you can demonstrate specific knowledge and experience in one or more of these areas: 

  • Charity law, compliance and governance, 

  • Grant management, particularly within an international context as well as the UK, 

  • Leadership or management of a medium to large organisation, ideally with multiple and/or diverse sites or subsidiaries, 

  • Financial management, specifically investment and treasury functions, 

  • Data analysis and/or research. 

  • Change management, 

  • Monitoring and evaluating performance in the commercial and/or not for profit sector, 

  • Recruitment and human resources expertise, including employment legislation, 

  • Business development, 

  • Risk management, 

  • Marketing, media and PR, 

  • Business or intellectual property law. 

Duties and responsibilities 

The Trustees of the Access Foundation: 

  • Ensure the Foundation achieves its charitable objects as defined in the Articles of Association, by establishing a clear vision, a set of values and strategy, and ensuring that there is a common understanding of these by trustees, staff and associated personnel. 

  • Ensure that operational plans and budgets support the vision and strategy of the Foundation and uses its resources exclusively to pursue our charitable objectives. 

  • Ensure that the views of stakeholders are regularly sought and considered and there is regular review of the external environment for changes that might affect the organisation (political, financial, demographic, competitive, partnerships, alliances). 

  • Ensure that the organisation complies with the Articles of Association, charity law, company law and any other relevant legislation or regulations. 

  • Ensure the financial stability of the organisation, protect and manage the assets of the organisation (financial or otherwise) and ensure the proper investment of its funds. 

  • Ensure the Foundation acts in accordance with employment law and exercises a duty of care to its employees. 

  • Ensure a well thought through risk management process is in place and give serious consideration to procuring external professional advice on any matter that presents a material risk to the charity that is beyond the established risk management process, or where the trustees could be perceived to be in breach of their duties. 

  • Ensure that the organisation has a fit for purpose governance structure that is appropriate to a charity of its size/complexity, stage of development, and its charitable objects, and reflects the diversity of its stakeholders. 

  • Ensure that the board regularly reviews its own training needs and creates an expectation of continuous professional development throughout the organisation. 

  • Ensure that trustees have an agreed code of conduct and comply with it, and that there are mechanisms for the removal of trustees who do not abide by the principles stated therein 

The applications close on the 15th February and the interview process will start w/c 17th February. We are looking for 2 trustees and look to appoint mid-March.

The client requests no contact from agencies or media sales.

Application Instructions

The average time commitment is 6 hours per week.